Sigmar Gabriel gives the starting signal for COPARION
The new state fund – funded by the ERP Special Fund and the KfW banking group – has access to 225 million euros, and NAMBOS was responsible for the naming process and the development of the international trade name COPARION. It is aimed at companies in the start-up and early growth phases. Private co-investment has increased the volume of funding to 450 million euros. “A central element of the fund is the co-investment, which is why the new name is derived from the concept cooperation.
Furthermore, COPARION wants to built a strong financial brand which will be a proven symbol of values as safety and trust. It also conveys the pari-passu aspect. Apart from that, COPARION is simply a strong brand for a strong fund,” says NAMBOS’ head of Creativity, Markus Lindlar.
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