Trademark registrations in Germany in 2018: popular initial syllables
Around 70,000 new brand names were registered in 2018 and that’s only in Germany. About 50,000 of these were registered. 2% of these new trademarks begin with the syllable “Pro”. This means that these three letters are still the most popular when it comes to having a name protected in the trademark register. Of course, it is also a symbol for the positive and professionality, which is used all too readily when developing a name. In the ranking compiled by the naming agency NAMBOS, the syllable “Con”, which stands for terms such as “Consulting” or “Confidence”, is in second place. Also among the top 5: “Med”. This letter composition represents above all “medicine” and “media”.
Personal syllable creates emotionality
Also very popular are personal syllables such as “You” or “my”, which are used in new brand names to create a personal basis between sender and target group. This is also understandable against the backdrop of advancing technology: “Companies in the mobility sector must take their potential customers with them into the new world so that they accept and use the innovative products,” says Lindlar. This becomes visible in the automotive sector: Volkswagen works with “We”, Mercedes with “Me” and BMW with “My”.
Top 25 most popular initial syllables in Germany (2018)
1. Pro | 1035 |
2. Con | 789 |
3. Com | 627 |
4. Med | 626 |
5. Ex | 527 |
6. You | 499 |
7. Int | 488 |
8. my | 482 |
9. On | 464 |
10. All | 437 |
11. Sol | 388 |
12. Dig | 371 |
13. Tec | 366 |
14. Bio | 309 |
15. Ener | 308 |
16. Vit | 270 |
17. Eu | 247 |
18. Sys | 245 |
19. Net | 202 |
20. Dat | 187 |
21. Glo | 147 |
22. Top | 122 |
23. Org | 120 |
24. Trans | 112 |
25. Nex | 93 |
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